Dear Australiana Society Member,
You are invited to a relaxed “Get-Together” with welcoming drinks, afternoon tea and “show & tell” on Sunday 11 September 2022, to meet and welcome recent new members of the Society.
Please note the date change.
If you have an Australiana object you would like to display and briefly speak about, please contact Robert (0412 397 546) or Linda (0417 770 493) ASAP. Approx. 8 will be selected.
Date: Sunday 11 September 2022
Time: 2.00 for 2.30 pm
Venue: Stevens Residence, 3 Killibury Court (off Serpells Rd), Templestowe. Ample street parking.
Cost: $20 per person
RSVP: By Friday 2 September 2022.
Phone: Linda Young 0417 770 493 Email:
Direct Transfer (Please include your name):
Acc Name: Australiana Society
BSB: 013189 Acc No: 313088322
Cheque (Made out to Australiana Society):
Mail to: Linda young, PO Box 203, Clifton Hill, Vic 3068
Robert Stevens Chair, Australiana Society Victorian Branch
Mobile 0412 397 546 22 July 202