Tasmanian Branch Christmas Drinks at Runnymede

  • 24 Nov 2023
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Runnymede, 61 Bay Road, New Town, Tasmania

While Australia’s mainland colonies experienced a severe economic depression in the 1840s, Tasmania remained prosperous owing to unpaid convict labour and industries such as wool production and whaling. Runnymede represents Tasmania’s golden age. This Regency marine villa was built by lawyer Robert Pitcairn and Dorothea Pitcairn c1836-1840 and extended by Tasmania’s first Anglican Bishop, Francis Russell Nixon who resided there between 1850 and 1862. Captain Charles Bayley then acquired the house and named it Runnymede after his favourite whaling ship. The Bayley and Bayley families resided in the house for over a century. Runnymede boasts important original furnishings, scrimshaw and an original 19th century villa garden. Runnymede is a property of the National Trust of Australia (Tasmania).

Date:  Friday 24 November

Time: 6pm for Christmas Drinks

5pm: Optional guided tour of Runnymede’s scrimshaw and Australiana collections with Colin Thomas, Gemma Webberley and Scott Carlin

Place:  Runnymede, 61 Bay Road, New Town, Tasmania

Cost: $60.00 includes wine and nibbles

Payment: Electronic transfer to Australiana Society Westpac account 

BSB 032-095 Acc 143464      or by cheque to 

PO Box 2335, Bondi Junction NSW 1355

Please remember to identify the event and your name with your payment and also RSVP below to Anne so we can be sure of numbers.

RSVP/enquiries:  Anne Edwards, Secretary, Australiana Society – Tasmanian Branch: anne.edwards7162@gmail.com