Macquarie & Dixson Collector's Chests and Wallis Album (Updated 26 July 13)
08 Aug 2013
5:45 PM - 7:30 PM
State Library of NSW
Viewing of the Macquarie & Dixson Collector's Chests and the Wallis Album
The committee of the Australiana Society is pleased to invite members to this very special event at the State Library of NSW.
Elizabeth Ellis, OAM, Emeritus Curator, Mitchell Library and author of the "Rare and Curious: The Secret History of Governor Macquarie's Collector's Chest" will give a talk on the Macquarie Collector's Chest and the Dixson Collector's chest, as well as show the two chests, side by side.
This will be followed by a viewing and talk by Richard Neville, Mitchell Librarian on the recently acquired Wallis album. The album by Captain James Wallis is a unique colonial artefact, rich in natural history, landscapes, expedition images, early printmaking, and Aboriginal portraiture, the album is a celebration of Governor Macquarie's New South Wales.
Details, costs and registration form have been sent out with the May issue of Australiana on Monday, 8th July 2013. Please return completed form with payment by email or post to register for the event.
Cost: $55 per person
This event is strictly for members only and places are limited.
Event start and end time adjusted.
This update: 12.41pam 26th July 2013